Monday, August 12, 2013

A Lot of Girls Can Relate to This One

So, I'm back... AGAIN. And on another bad note.

Today I decided to go through my unread emails and I saw a reply to a comment a wrote to someone about a week ago.

This is the conversation:

Why isn't this game for pc?! <---RavennaRoso's comment.
  • Jorgen297
    Are you trolling? Well your name looks like a girl name (NO OFFENSE), so I'll just guess you don't have too much knowledge about the "topic". In one sense you are right, the PS3 is still a better gaming machine than most laptops out there, if that's what you meant. However, a gaming PC is a way stronger "console" than the PS3, and it would have no problems running this game. If someone bothered to make a good emulator, new gamer PCs could probably emulate a PS3 playing this game even.
    · in reply to Simone forbooks
Simone forbooks
Fuck you.
Just because I'm a GIRL doesn't mean a fucking thing asshole. That's what I thought and you have NO right to determine my knowledge of anything because of my sex.
It's people like you that need to check them-selves. A lot of people don't take kindly to that shit.
Maybe YOU need to look up this said "topic" and find out for yourself.

So YEAH. Sexism. It gets to me.


I don't like when boys are like:

"Stay in the Kitchen!!"
"Girls don't know shit when it comes to video games."
"The Male is the Alpha sex because of strength, and intelligence."


1. I can't cook or clean or fold clothes worth shit.
2. I can kick ass in an FPS lobby. And there are loads of GirlGamers out there!
3. (And this is my favorite one.) Girls tend to have higher test scores in some schools and some very talented girls can take on wrestlers and thugs when their life is in danger.

So can you knock it off?

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